Three Can Keep a Secret

by Gregory Crafts

July 29th, 2017

Presented by


Hollywood, CA

Directed by

Jacob Smith

“…funny, innovative and a little bit strange and all in a very, very good way.”

– Samantha Simmons Ronceros,


"Very entertaining, wonderfully produced, and lots of laughs in this high stakes choose your own adventure!"

- Kat Primeau, Bitter Lemons


"Wonderfully written by Gregory Crafts and skillfully directed by Jacob Smith, Three Can Keep a Secret delivers like only a Theatre Unleashed production can."

- Bob Leggett, Indie Voice Blog

Three Can Keep a Secret was presented by Theatre Unleashed at studio/stage as part of the 2017 Encore Producers’ Awards in Hollywood, CA. Directed by Jacob Smith.


About Three Can Keep a Secret

It was supposed to be an easy score. Whack the mark. Stage the scene. Take the money. Retire to Cabo. That’s how it was supposed to go down. But for poor Moose and Sonny, a really bad night is only just beginning…

Three Can Keep A Secret, a new play by Gregory Crafts (Friends Like TheseSuper Sidekick: The Musical) is a darkly funny and slightly twisted interactive crime thriller where YOU, the audience, choose how our story proceeds while our anti-heroes attempt to literally get away with murder. With multiple decision points throughout the story, no two performances will be the same!

About Theatre Unleashed

Theatre Unleashed is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation whose mission is to embody original stories, shed light upon lesser-known works by known playwrights, and put new twists on old favorites; all for discerning Los Angeles audiences.

About the Encore Producers’ Awards

The Hollywood Encore Producer Awards represent the best of the Hollywood Fringe selected by venue producers, based on artistic merit, commercial potential and development interest. The extensions immediately follow the festival and run a month in participating fringe venues. Shows receive valuable extensions giving them the opportunity for additional audience, press, awards and extensions.

Encore Producers’ Award Extension at studio/stage

Three Can Keep a Secret was presented by Theatre Unleashed at studio/stage as part of the 2017 Encore Producers' Award Extensions in Hollywood, CA. Directed by Jacob Smith.

Contact Greg